The Acceptable Sacrifice by John Bunyan
What can man bring to God which will be excellent and acceptable in His sight? John Bunyan’s answer may surprise us – a broken and contrite heart.
This is the “acceptable sacrifice” of the title. In this moving exposition of Psalm 51:17, the last work which he prepared for the press, Bunyan shows from Scripture why a broken heart is so acceptable to God. He characterizes the unbroken heart of man, showing why it must be made contrite, and explains the nature of the change which is involved. He also guides the reader in discerning whether this change has taken place, and shows how the heart, once broken, can be kept tender. Includes an Introduction by Donald S. Whitney.
118 Pages
Published: 2005
About the Author
John Bunyan (1628-1688) was born the son of a metalworker near Bedford, England. He went on to become a famous preacher and writer. During his life he penned over 2 million words, his most famous work being The Pilgrim’s Progress.